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Meet Tricia,

Keynote Speaker & Ukuleleist

Born with no left hand and facial paralysis, Tricia has spent her life making lemonade out of life’s tangiest lemons.  When her physical limitations barred her from joining the Marines, she recast the rejection as a way to garner attention for a good cause.  She bicycled alone across 19 states to raise thousands of dollars for veterans, all the while orchestrating appearances to promote her project and talk about her odyssey.  Her new purpose is to recast her 30 years of hard-won lessons as presentations.  Her signature talk is How to Handle Nosy People: A 2-Step Solution from 30 Years of Practice.”  She concludes her presentations with a delightful ukulele performance.

Tricia holds a BA with honors in Economics from Case Western Reserve University.  She has worked in research at the Federal Reserve and at two commercial banks in Hawaii.  Her hometown is Cleveland, Ohio, and she is one of seven children.  She is based in Honolulu, Hawaii.

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